Jhelum has a average educational infrastructure. The overall literacy rate for Jhelum is 35 percent, somewhat a lower literacy in Punjab province.
Jhelum has 6 Degree Colleges for Women, 6 Degree Colleges for Men, 6 Co-education Colleges, 6 Commerce Colleges, one Law College, with numerous higher secondary schools and over 150 high schools.
Higher and technical education
In technical education there are two technical colleges, the Government Institute of Technology, Chak Daulat,Government Vocational Institute for woman, civil line Jhelum and the Government Technical Training Institute.Jhelum also has two sub-campuses of the Virtual University of Pakistan namely Wings Institute of Learning and Punjab College For Women.
University of the Punjab is also established a sub-campus at Jhelum. Governament of Punjab has allocated 65 kanals of land for this purpose.
Air School System is an Independent Education System that follows National Curriculum in accordance with Federal Ministry of Education and is registered as a Private Limited Company under the Companies Ordinance 1984. Air Foundation School System carries Trade Mark under the Ordinance 2001/Act 1940, Government of Pakistan.
The University of the Punjab recently opened a campus in Jhelum, offering programs related to business, commerce, law, and computer science. The new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees programs are due to commence soon. The literacy rate of Jhelum is high in comparison with other cities of the Punjab. Recently Pakistan's one of the top lawyer Raja Waqas Naseem Sikandar announced that he will open another university in Jhelum on 23 March, 2013.
- Air Foundation School System Jhelum Campus (Boys & Girls)
- Army Public School and College Jhelum Cantt.
- F.G. Intermediate College Jhelum Cantt
- Fauji Foundation Model School & College
- Bahria Foundation College, GT Road
- Govt. Degree College, Jhelum
- Govt. College. G.T. Road, Jhelum
- Govt. College for Women, Jhelum
- Govt. College of Commerce, Bilal Town
- Govt Girls Collge G T Road Jhelum
- Govt. Islamia Girls Higher Secondary School and College
- Govt. Islamia Boys Higher Secondary School and College
- Govt Girls Degree College Jalal
- Jinnah Law College Near Kutcheri, Jhelum
- M.A. Jinnah College of Commerce & Computer Science
- PICS, Bilal town Jhelum
- Cadet College Jhelum
- Govt. college of Technology chak daulat Jhelum
- City College for Girls, Jhelum
- Punjab College Jhelum
- Jhelum Group of Colleges
- Govt College of Education for Boys Jhelum
- Govt College of Technology Railway Road Jhelum
- Wings College of Science and Commerce Civil Lines Jhelum
- MA Jinnah College of Commerce PD Khan Jhelum
- Fatima Jinnah Girls Post Graduate College Jhelum Cantt
- Fauji Foundation College for Boys & Girls
- University of the Punjab, Jhelum Campus
- VU Jhelum Campus
- UET Taxila PD Khan Campus (Under Progress)